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 عبـــــــدالله خلــــــــيفة

كاتب وروائي

Curriculum Vitae


♦ Abdulla Khalifa Al Buflasa (born March 1, 1948 in Gudaibiya, Manama, Bahrain - died October 21, 2014 in Manama, Bahrain) is a Bahraini left-wing novelist and columnist.

♦ Upbringing and Education: Albuflasa was born in 1948 in the Gudaibiya area of ​​the Bahraini capital, Manama. He studied at the Teachers Institute.

♦ Career career: He worked as a teacher after graduating from the Teachers' Institute.

♦ He joined the ranks of the National Liberation Front - Bahrain in the 1960s and became active in its ranks. He was arrested in 1975 and dismissed from his job and released from prison in 1981.

♦ He wrote short stories and novels since the late 1960s and has various contributions in literary criticism. He also works as a columnist for the Gulf News newspaper.

♦ Member of the Union of Arab Writers in Syria.

♦ Contributed to the conferences of the Arab Writers Union, and the first conference was in 1975 held the Algerian Republic and presented the search for the evolution of the short story in Bahrain I subscribe to it, and participated in the Conference of the Arab Writers ' Union in Tunis in 2002, research under the cursed n (The roots of violence in contemporary Arab life), He participated in a conference in the Arab Republic of Egypt in 2003, and a research under the title (Arab intellectual between freedom and tyranny). And many Arab literary conferences.  

♦ Since 1981 he has worked in the social and cultural Press in the Bahrain and Gulf newspapers, and has been published in several Arab periodicals.

♦ He wrote articles and political and social studies on the history of Bahrain and the development of the short story.

Bibliography Narrative writings:

1.Winter's Melody, a collection of short stories, 1975.

2. Sand and Jasmine, short stories, 1982.

3. Sultry Day, short stories, 1984.

4. Sohra, short stories, 1994.

5. The Magician's Amazement, short stories, 1997.

6. Palm Madness, short stories,  1998.

7. Shrine master, short stories,  2003.

8. The cripple gets up, short stories,  2017.keys Anthology

9. Donkeys Anthology, short stories,  2017.

10. They are shaking the earth! short stories,  2017.

11. Mu'tazila Light, short stories,  2017.

12. Bab Al, Bahr, short stories,  2020.

♦  Fiction works:

13. Pearls, 1982.

14. The Pirate and the City, 1982.

15. Al Hayrat, 1983.

16. A Song of Water and Fire, 1989.

17. Fog, 1994.

18. Sea Anthem, 1994.

19. Springs, 1998.

20. Al-Aqlf, 2002.

21. The Hour of Appearance of the Spirits, 2004.

22. Ras Al Hussein, 2006.

23. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, a martyr, 2007.

24. Statues, 2007.

25. Othman bin Affan, a martyr, 2008.

26. Ali bin Abi Talib, a martyr, 2008.

27. Muhammad Thaera, 2010.

28. Gone with Oil, 2010.

29. Antara returns to Al Jazeera, 2011.

30. Springs, 2012.

31. Fatal Punishment, 2012.

32. Rape of a Planet, 2014.

33. Gamal  Abdel Nasser  messages secret, 2015.

34. price soul, 2016.

35. diamonds and al'abnus, 2016.

36. Son Mr, 2016. 

37. Earth under rubble, 2017. 

38. Mermaid, 2017.

39. Pearl road, 2017.

40. portrait Kassab, 2017.

41. killed Abu Muslim Khorasani, 2018.

42. the poet of light, 2018.

43. Bay lost lives, 2019.

44. Hudhud Suleiman, 2019.

♦  Critical and Intellectual Studies:

45. The narrator in the fictional world of Muhammad Abdul-Malik, a critical study, 2004

46. Idealistic Trends in Arab Islamic Philosophy, (c 1+2) 2005.

47. Idealistic Trends in Arab Islamic Philosophy, (c 3) 2005.

48. Ideal trends in the Arab and Islamic philosophy - the development of modern Arab Thought, (c 4) 2015. 

49. Naguib Mahfouz from the historical novel to the novel, 2007.

50. Narrative models from the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, 2008.

51. The conflict of sects and classes in the Arab Mashreq and Iran, 2016. 

52. The Cursed; Biography, interviews and wrote about him, 2016. 

53. The evolution of Arabic literary genres, 2016.  

54. Book 1: Head east governmental money; A New Reading of Marxism, examining the current production style in the East through a different view, Book II: Lenin and the Adventure of Socialism: an analytical theoretical booklet of Lenin's ideas and theory, 2016.  

55. Qassim Haddad poetic world, 2019.  

56. Abdulla Khalifa .. presentation and criticism for his work, 2019.   

57. Word for human, 2020.   

♦ Death Abdulla Khalifa died on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 in the Bahraini capital, Manama, at the age of 66. He was buried the Manama cemetery.

♦ The Bahrain Press Association called him in a statement: “The departure of Abdulla Khalifa represents a great loss for the cultural and literary movement in Bahrain and the Gulf, as he provided it with more than 57 authors ranging from story, novel and critical thought, in addition to his regular contributions in writing to the paper and electronic press such as the “Al-Hiwar” website. Civilized, as well as the newspaper “Akhbar Al-Khaleej”, which he supervised on its cultural page until his death, and he also continued to write a daily column in it.

Abdullah Khalifa on the site of civilized dialogue

The total number of readings: 6, 554, 161 million readers

Number of articles published: 1,218.

CV: Welcome

عبـــــــدالله خلــــــــيفة
بأي قدر يمكن أن نملأ هذا الفراغ ..؟

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